Friday, May 10, 2013

The Benefits of Tattoo Removal on Society

Hi everybody!

I'm writing today to inform you on the impact tattoo removal specialists are having on society.  Tattoos have been around for over five thousand years, but their removal is a recent scientific breakthrough.  Tattoos are removed by powerful laser pulses that break up the pigment in the skin without damaging the dermis.  Different wavelengths of light work better on different color inks.  Tattoo removal sessions are long and sometimes painful and it can sometimes take many sessions to remove a tattoo depending on the size and the ink used.

The major benefit of tattoo removal, in my opinion, is that it can help ex-gang members shed their former lives and become productive members of society.  Many violent gangs and hate groups tattoo their members as a means of permanently identifying them as members.  The most obvious example are some Neo-Nazi or "white power" groups who tattoo themselves with Swastikas.  Bryon Widner was a skinhead who renounced his beliefs but had trouble finding work because his face was adorned with offensive tattoos.  Due to generous supporters and willing doctors, he had his extensive facial tattoos removed and was able to safely rejoin society after finding stable work.

So whether you're a reformed convict or a college student regretting their drunken tattoo, I think tattoo removal provides a great service.  To those of you looking to find out more about tattoo removal, check out:

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